Product: Pacific Cod
Latin name: Gadus macrocephalus

Origin: China

Cod is an important commercial fish and has been a mainstay of the seafood industry. It is a large, deepwater, round whitefish, providing thick, meaty fillets which are low in fat and have a good shelf life.

Frozen cods include fillets, portions, loins and tails by IQF or shatter pack both for retail and foodservice. Fillet blocks are for further processing into breaded portionsMolded fish (fish shape or stick) and other unglazed cod fillets/tail fillets/portions/loins are ideal for further breading.

Lightly salted pacific cod is available as fillets or portions.

• Wild caught
• Naturally low in fat
• Excellent source of protein

Eating QualitiesMild taste, moderate texture

Cooking InstructionsPan fry • Bake • Broil • Microwave